Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Good News & Bad News

Good news: I have found my actresses for my movie! I'm SO happy with these people, because I think they really fit these characters well. To be honest, I'm not sure if I can reveal their names. I probably will when I start filming. I'm excited to actually start the filming process. It's going to be great.

Bad news: Location and weather aren't going as planned. I was planning to film in a CVS parking lot, because they're always not too empty and not too full. Then I realized that I would probably get in trouble if I didn't ask for permissions from certain people and I just don't feel like getting kicked out of a parking lot. So I'm just going to find a parking lot on campus and go from there. As for weather... I was thinking of a snowy day for this film. Of course, the one time I want it to snow, it doesn't. I heard that it's going to start snowing after winter break is over, so I'm just hoping for that. If not, I guess I'll have to deal with a windy/rainy/not snowy day.

I suppose that's all the news I have for December. I have my script, my story board, my actresses. I'm ready to go.
Pity how there seems to be more bad news than good. I can make all the bad news go away, I'll make it work.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Auditions and Cookies

Tomorrow is the day I hold auditions for my movie!
I am quite nervous, but I know there are at least a few people coming to audition for sure. I'm going to be filming each audition so I can really look at how they are in front of the camera, and also so I can look back at everyone's auditions while I'm deciding who gets what part. 
One thing I'm worried about is the actual decision making. To be honest, I don't know what makes someone a good actor. I guess this is going to be a very interesting learning experience. 
My plan is to have them read parts of the script that I have picked out. If I think that they would work well with someone else, I'm going to have those two read. I guess I'm going to shuffle people around and see who works best with who and what part.
I baked cookies for this audition, by the way.
Here is the flyer that I created and posted around the school.