Following through with plans was harder than I thought.
When I first started, I was going by my chart I mentioned in a previous post. I wanted this day to go as organized and clean as possible. I went shot by shot, until I got to shot 3. After shot 3, I started to film more than I had to. I started to shoot from more angles than I planned. I almost completely left my chart behind.
I started to overlap shots together because it seemed like it would look better. I just started to leave my charts and planning to go with my gut. It was different being in the car and actually filming, rather than drawing my scenes and organizing them.
When we finished up, I ended up with 92 shots. This doesn't seem like a lot -- but I used a phone as a microphone. Which means I'm going to have to try to find the matching audio to 92 different footages (is the plural of 'footage' 'footages'? who knows.). And I will have to do that 92 times. I don't even have 92 different audio files. I have 77.
Like I said. This day went as best as it could have been. I didn't expect to NOT run into any problems, and I'm surprised I don't have more problems. To be honest, having 77 audio files and 92 shots isn't that bad of a problem for me.
I'm very happy with how this day went.
Here is the first sneak peak of my movie!
It's always interesting to compare your expectations to the reality. Even though some things did not go as planned, it sounds like you managed them well. And I guess that's just part of making art! Thanks for the sneak peak. I can't wait to see more!